• Renolution: a grant for insulating your frames and frontdoors

Renolution: a grant for insulating your frames and frontdoors

For switching to PVC, wood or aluminium doors and frames, Brussels can help, Abihome can offer support. Are you in Brussels and planning a renovation to improve energy efficiency?

Renolution: a grant for insulating your frames and frontdoors

For switching to PVC, wood or aluminium doors and frames, Brussels can help, Abihome can offer support. Are you in Brussels and planning a renovation to improve energy efficiency?

What ?

Reduce the costs of your renovation in Brussels

RENOLUTION Grants are replacing and simplifying the Energy Grant, the ResidenceRenovation Grant andtheFaçadeInsulationGrant. The RENOLUTION strategy aims to reduce air pollution and make life more comfortable for people in Brussels. 

Would you like to change your frames or doors?  You can access up to 45 combinable RENOLUTION Grants for your renovations.

Consult the Insulationand Renovation Grants available for 2023
Logo Renolution

Grants for installing and replacing doors and windows: how much can you get?

With RENOLUTION grants for your doors and windows, you can generally receive a 50% reimbursement for your project. Insulation and Renovation Grantsare calculated depending on your income (types I, II and III) and donotinfluence the property's cadastral income.  


  • Wooden frames and front doors: you can receive €100-€140 per m2. You can receive an extra €100 if you use wood with FSC or PEFC certifications. 
  • PVC or aluminium frames: you can receive €40-€55 per m2. 
  • Soundproofing grant: you can receive €35 per m2 providing that the acoustic properties of the glass meets the following requirement: Rw + Ctr ≥ 34 dB(A). 

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For who ? 

RENOLUTION Grants for everyone in Brussels 

RENOLUTION Insulation and Renovationgrantsapply to any kind of building in Brussels: single family homes, apartment buildings, offices, shops, schools, businesses, etc.  

Are you an owner-occupier, landlord, tenant, property management company or building manager in the Brussels Capital Region? Then you are eligible for RENOLUTION grants!

General terms and conditions for the allocation of RENOLUTION Grants:

  • Your work must be carried out by a professional. You can call on Abihome, a specialist in manufacturing and installing frames in Brussels, registered on the Banque Carrefour des Entreprises (Belgian Company Register). 
  • The invoice for the works must be addressed to the person receiving the grant.
  • The building on which the renovation is being carried out must be more than 10 years old.
  • The grant application for new frames must be made within 12 months of the final balance invoice for the works.
  • The cost of the works must be at least €250.



How can you receive financial support for renovation projects in Brussels?

Abihome can guide you through the administrative procedures and the very specific technical conditions which you must comply with to make a RENOLUTION Grant application in the Brussels Capital Region. 

Are you carrying out a renovation? Are you replacing your doors and frames? You only need to make one application for all the grants you are eligible for using IRISbox, the online platform of the Brussels Capital Region. Do you needfinancial support? Apply for comprehensive credit.



Abihome can tell you all about regional grants and ecological building! 

Regardless of scale,carrying out a renovation or building projectis a major undertaking, which gives rise to many different questions,especially in the ever-changing market for frames, doors and conservatories. Abihome can help you make the big decisions when it comes to your renovation or building project. 

For help applyingfor insulation or renovation grants and for any queries about your ongoing renovation projects, contact Abihome. You can also visit the website Renolution.brussels


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